Welcome back to the Sunday Funnies.
As usual, we use this column to point out some of the high and low points of the week.
Ironically, (or NOT) our staff’s sense of humor usually strikes a nerve or offends someone along the way.
To that we’d like to say “If You’re Not Offended, You’re Not Paying Attention.”
We don’t publish the funnies to offend anyone…Well, maybe we do…kinda…sorta.
However, based on how absurd, crazy, stupid, or mind-boggling our world has become, you need to step back and laugh a little.
Otherwise you end up taking yourself and everything else too seriously.
So, if you’re offended by our funnies, at least we know you’re paying attention.
And on the flip side, if you like our funnies then we’re happy to share a few laughs with you.
So without further ado…
A Happy Meal gone bad:
Does anyone out there want to share their feelings?
Video Games and Family Arguments:
We treat “Fluffy” like one of the kids:
Michelangelo’s Renaissance Auto-Repair…featuring Gus and Spike:
“Myyyyy kind of town, Chicago is….”
Just When You Think You’ve Seen It All:
Hold My Beer:
Kids, don’t try this at home.
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