Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday
AbusrditiesFunnies, where this week, we’re featuring a collection of what we believe to be some of our best funnies in 2020.Since this is the last week of 2020, The Year of Chaos, we decided to take a look back at how bizarre this year has been.
More importantly, it helped remind us the importance of laughter and keeping things in perspective.
Admittedly this is a subjective list and we feel the need to explain why.
First, let’s do the math.
The weekly Sunday Funnies consists of anywhere between 25 to 35 meme’s cartoons etc. with an average of 30.
30 X 52 weeks = 1,560 published funnies.
Let’s narrow it down.
In order to come up with ONE weekly edition, we screen between 500-1,000 funnies. Let’s call it 750.
So, 750 X 52 = 39,000 meme’s cartoons, etc. screened or edited for your reading pleasure.
“…In Plain English” (pun intended) we eliminate approximately 96% of the 39,000 funnies we see.
That doesn’t mean we don’t like the rejects. In fact, some of you would really enjoy our rejects.
But, for reasons of good taste, we try to keep the funnies clean and rated PG.
To keep us from going crazy in the screening process we decided to limit our selections to FOUR FUNNIES FROM EACH MONTH.
We’ve included the dates each meme was published so you can hopefully remember what was going on at that time.
We also found this exercise very interesting as to how the year progressed and played out.
As usual, we remind you that Humor is Waaaayyyyy better than Hatred…which is contrary to what the world wants you to believe.
And we hope you see the Sunday Funnies as a refreshing oasis in the middle of a parched, dry, and increasingly dark world that we’re living in.
Remember – as difficult as things might appear – Evil Always Overplays its Hand…And righteousness prevails.
So, as we say goodbye to 2020, you can rest assured that 2021 will offer up many opportunities for us to poke fun at all the headline grabbers out there.
And we will do it with reckless abandon.
Thank you for being with us on this wacky journey we’re all on.
December 27, 2020
*************************January 5, 2020
*********************January 12, 2020
********************January 12, 2020**********************January 26, 2020
************************February 2, 2020*********************February 9, 2020********************February 16, 2020**********************February 16, 2020***********************March 1, 2020*******************March 8, 2020********************March 22, 2020**********************March 22, 2020***********************March 29, 2020**********************April 5, 2020*************************April 19, 2020*************************April 26, 2020************************April 26, 1010FLASHBACK************************May 10, 2020******************May 10, 2020************************May 10, 2020**********************May 31, 2020************************June 7, 2020*************************June 7, 2020**********************June 7, 2020*************************June 7, 2020******************July 5, 2020***********************July 12, 2020**********************July 12, 2020********************July 19, 2020************************August 2, 2020*************************August 9, 2020***********************August 23, 2020***********************August 30, 2020********************September 6, 2020**********************September 6, 2020***********************September 20, 2020************************September 27, 2020************************October 25, 2020************************October 25, 2020************************October 25, 2020************************October 25, 2020***********************November 1, 2020**********************November 22, 2020**********************November 29, 2020*************************November 29, 2020************************December 6, 2020************************December 13, 2020************************December 13, 2020****************************December 20, 2020****************************************************That’s all for the final edition of 2020’s Sunday Funnies.
Unless, of course you want to see more funnies on our website (HERE). Simply type in Sunday Funnies in the search box (upper right-hand corner) and see many more funnies.
So, if you like our funnies, you’ll love our Just Askin’ Did You Know, and Tin-Foil Times columns in our monthly newsletter.
And as a closeout bonus for 2020, we’re keeping our DEEPLY DISCOUNTED prices available for our “…In Plain Newsletter” until December 31st (HERE).
And remember, if you like our funnies, be sure to share them with friends and family members.
Caution: They may get offended.
But remind them…It’s important to laugh together and laugh often.
And be sure to tell them…
It’s Not Just About Finance.
See you next week…
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