Occasionally, we look back on articles we wrote to see how what we said (at that time) played out. And this led us to a post titled “Sh**holes and Turd-World Countries” from January 16, 2018.
Back then we said how the media frenzy over Trump calling Haiti and certain African countries “sh*tholes” was a diversion tactic to keep you from seeing the mayhem taking place in the House of Saud.
And we pointed out how the arrest of Saudi Prince Alaweed bin Talal, (AbT) who used the Vegas shootings as a cover-up while trying to assassinate his cousin Mohammed bin Salam, (MbS) was hardly mentioned.
You can read the post (HERE).
If you recall, the Vegas shootings were covered-up and sealed shut within days.
But did you ever wonder why?
Back then, Vegas police chief John Pelletier was ordered by “the authorities” to keep all investigations of the Vegas shootings under control.
Ironically (or NOT) Pelletier became the Maui Police chief in 2021 and – for the most part – has done a repeat performance on his handling of the Maui wildfires/DEW attacks.
So, this begs the question: What’s the story behind the story (Like the Vegas Shootings) that we’re not hearing about?
When interviewed about his time in Vegas, Pelletier said that the Vegas shootings prepared him to handle the tragedy that took place in Maui.
Which begs another question: Does that have anything to do with covering up both Vegas AND Maui?
Moving Towards Turd World Countries
This may sound like another Conspiracy Theory.
But can you explain why the media isn’t giving much coverage to the Maui disaster?
Meanwhile, New York Mayor Eric Adams said the “migrant crisis will destroy New York City.”
And he doesn’t see an end to it any time soon.
Such is the case with cities like Baltimore, San Francisco, Chicago, Portland.
Ironically, they are “sanctuary cities” whose purpose is to welcome immigrants.
And, just like Trump said, they are turning into Sh*tholes.
But as long as we have distractions (like Maui) we won’t see how we’re becoming like Turd World countries.
Bottom line: It’s all by design.
And part of the Great Reset so the Boyz can use “Climate Change” to force their evil agenda of control.
Don’t be their victim.
Instead learn how to avoid their traps in the September issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they’re not paying attention.
They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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