Just when you thought things can’t get more desperate, we find Squid Tentacles encircling Great Britain.
Squid Tentacles?
In the financial world, Goldman Sachs is affectionately known as “The Squid.”
And they have their tentacles into more than you can imagine.
READ: “Vampire Squid Doing God’s Work in Malaysia” November 15, 2018
“The Gospel According to Goldman Sachs (The Squid) May 1, 2018
And on Monday another one of Goldman’s “chosen ones,” Rishi Sunak, was announced as the UK’s next Prime Minister.
Sunak, 42, becomes the UK’s first Hindu prime minister and the country’s youngest in more than 200 years.
How convenient for the squid.
Many of Sunak’s peers have speculated he is “willing to sell off the UK to his banker friends.”
And not only is he the perfect choice as one of Klaus Schwab’s Boyz in power, they’re literally saying he’s a diversity hire.
Nope…you can’t make this stuff up.
And what’s likely to happen is he will print more money than you can imagine, saying it’s a trickle-down economy and then resign.
Unfortunately, Sunak represents the Banksters…and we all know who they are.
Question: Why do so many of these (Squid groomed) Banksters infest government?
Answer: Because vultures gather around the dead and dying.
Squid Tentacles Tightening
As O’Biden might say: “Two Words…England is Screwed!”
Ironically (or NOT) as the Squid Tentacles encircle Great Britain, the Rishi Sunak story has another interesting twist.
His father-in-law is the founder of Infosys.
It’s an Indian information technology company that provides services to a host of Fortune 500 companies and banks.
One of the company’s leading services is Finacle, a digital banking platform.
And get this…
Infosys is listed as an official partner of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF), which has been accused of seeking to develop the technological infrastructure to implement a global “social credit score” system.
So, why does Rishi need a job in the government?
He certainly doesn’t need the money, so why is he there?
We must be at that stage in the financial crisis when Goldman repossess your country.
And Great Britain is now Goldman’s Britain.
The Squid knows.
And they certainly don’t want YOU to know.
But we provide you with answers every month in our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
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