March 2025
March 3, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Sold a Lot of State Secrets

You know things are beyond bizarre when our resident Burden says things like “I sold a lot of state secrets” and everyone laughs it off.

As a result, Burden has made a mockery of America and the due process of law.

Cue up:  India’s Prime Minister Modi’s reaction to our Resident Burden during his visit to India.

Upon hearing Burden openly mock America – and the due process of law – Modi watched as our Burden saluted the Indian national anthem before slowly lowering his hand.

Sadly, his handlers had to tell him that “The Star-Spangled Banner” was not playing.

Making things worse he refused to let go of Modi’s hand after walking down the podium, and his wife Jill was clearly flustered, not knowing where to stand.

Sold State Secrets

Although, in the past, he has said how he “Sold a lot of state secrets” our Resident Burden is currently (not) under investigation for selling state secrets to Ukraine and China.

But…and this is a VERY BIG BUTT…

We know – beyond a shadow of a doubt – that his son Hunter obtained lucrative business contracts overseas while traveling on Air Force Two.

Ironically (or NOT) as a senator he implemented laws to punish men for the same crimes his own son committed without penalty.

And in true Stalin/Lenin/Hitler/Mao fashion, he has had his political opponents arrested in true dictator style.

Bottom line…

America looks weak because our leader is weak.

But don’t expect that to change anytime in the near future.


Because the neocons are running the show via the Deep State and they could care less if our Burden “Sold a lot of state secrets” to foreigners.

Can you imagine what the Presstitutes would do if Trump said something like that?

They certainly wouldn’t laugh about it like they did when Burden said it.

In the meantime, we continue to be the laughingstock of the world.

And that was reinforced yesterday when our Burden made another gaffe for the ages as he commented that Putin “…is clearly losing the war in Iraq.”

Ironically (or NOT) there is one Joe Biden quote that many Americans would love to apply to him:

To quote Joe Biden himself, “This man cannot remain in power.”

Share this with a friend…especially if they think we look like fools all over the world.

They’ll thank YOU later.

And be sure to read our upcoming July newsletter (HERE).

We’re Not Just About Finance

But we use finance to give you hope.


Invest with confidence.
James Vincent
The Reverend of Finance
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