The Globalist Agenda to get the entire world to “take the jab” is full of statements like “The Shots are effective and safe.”
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…
They don’t tell you that “The Shots” don’t stop infections OR transmission…and they might kill you.
And even if the entire world “takes the jab” the CoronaHoax will NEVER be eradicated.
Unlike smallpox – that was eradicated – the C-19 is found in animals.
And the animal kingdom acts as a reservoir for a virus (any virus) to mutate and stay alive.
So, In Plain English, a vaccine can eradicate a disease ONLY when that disease tends to be unique to humans.
We’ve NEVER cured a common cold or ANY virus that can exist in animals and makes the jump to humans — to coin a phrase – “a gain of function.”
Ironically (or NOT) the CoronaHoax is killing mostly old and fat people…which is very similar to most seasonal flu viruses.
But…and this is another Very Big Butt…
More “Jabs” means more money for the Globalists.
So – as we are wont to say – “Follow the Money.”
And while you’re at it, be sure to ask the Pro-Vax and Pro-Mandate advocates to explain how the Shots Are Safe.
Are the Shots Effective AND Safe?
A suggestion would be to have them list any five ingredients in their vax of choice AND their associated health benefits.
Chances are they won’t know what most of the ingredients are…yet they blindly submit to getting jabbed.
And the chances of them knowing the associated health benefits are slim to none…and slim already left town.
But the real chances are they’ll probably get mad at you for having the audacity to raise such questions and challenging their decision.
You see, deep down many who’ve been jabbed are regretting their decision.
They’re victims of “Misinformation.”
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…
They don’t want to admit they might have made a mistake and are secretly worried about latent (or instant) side effects and/or death.
So, instead they remain quiet AND resentful.
It’s kinda like how never before in the history of America have 81 MILLION voters been so quiet.
The similarities of the two are eerie.
And speaking of similarities, are you ready for another attempt to take down the markets like the one in March 2020?
If so, then be sure to read our September newsletter (HERE).
In it we show you what to look for and how to prepare for one of the greatest opportunities of your lifetime.
Remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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