Most people mis-interpret the 2nd amendment as their “right to bear arms.” But the truth is it clearly states that the “right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
“…In Plain English” it’s a check on government to prevent THEM from infringing on our right to bear arms.
Let’s break down those words:
- Shall: must
- Not: Used with an auxiliary verb or “BE” to form the negative.
- BE: occur or take place
- Infringed: act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.
So, what’s difficult to understand about that?
Obviously the O’Biden/Hologram administration can’t’ understand wants to continue to shred our Constitutional rights.
Shall Not Be Infringed
Specifically, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tx-18) who wasted no time introducing another gun control bill (H.R. 127 – 117th Congress (2021-2022).
Prior to this, one of Jackson’s dubious claims to fame was criticizing the meteorological community for their blatant exclusion of African-American names for storms and hurricanes.
(Circa July, 2003)
Jackson Lee felt all ethnic groups should be represented when referring to storm’s names and the racist practice of giving “lily-white” names to these storms should come to an end.
I guess “lily-white” isn’t considered racist.
Jackson, has also treated us to such gems as:
- The Constitution is 400 years old.
- Astronaut Neil Armstrong planted the flag on Mars.
- There are still two Vietnams.
- Klansmen are now the Tea Party.
Thus far, Jackson Lee, whom many have criticized as someone whose only life skill is to cry “racism,” has not been successful in her quest.
But she seems determined to take advantage of our new Hologram administration’s attempt to grab your guns AND ammo.
Follow the Money
Because the gun grabbers know this new bill includes an $800 “Firearm Insurance” fee. Renewable every year, of course.
And it’s for every gun you own.
So, if someone has 4 guns, they’ll be taxed $3,200 annually.
Do the math.
85,000,000 X $800 = $68 BILLION…and that’s assuming 85-million-gun owners have only ONE gun.
The Bill says the fee is to “insure the person against liability for losses and damages resulting from the use of any firearm…”
You Just Can’t Make This Up.
Unfortunately, this gun grabbing bill is serious.
And it WILL infringe your right to bear arms.
Violating the bill’s provisions would be punishable by hefty fines and long minimum prison sentences.
Maybe it’s time you read it for yourself…(HERE).
And then call or write your congressman.
Ms. Jackson – and her ilk – are just getting warmed up.
Be sure to share this with a friend.
And tell them We’re Not Just About Finance.
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