But like most Gringos we tend to see small South American countries as impoverished 3rd world nations where everyone is begging on the street.
The truth is we are clueless to the realities of how people live outside of the USA.
And we take for granted the privileges and abundance of almost everything we have because we lack very little when it comes to luxuries and conveniences.
As a result, we don’t appreciate how good we have it…until someone threatens to take it away from us (Cough! The Great Reset, Cough! Cough!).
But in Bolivia there is a zest for life and appreciation for simplicities like a family barbeque or having an ice cream, pastry, or Cafecito at a corner café that somehow fails to exist in the USA.
They’re aware that the world is experiencing Turbulent Times but they aren’t consumed by it.
Ironically (or NOT) when they hear the expression “That man is an idiot,” they also know it’s referring to Stinky Joe.
However, they are polite enough – or possibly humble enough – not to openly criticize the disaster that’s encompassed the swamp creatures in the District of Corruption (DC).
Maybe they don’t really care about…
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