Warning…! The Fog Index references many religious beliefs that some might find offensive.
So, if you’re easily offended by the Word of God, then stop reading now.
Every day it becomes more difficult to see through the fog index of corruption, fraud, deception, and a culture gone awry.
And it’s gotten to the point that most people don’t even realize how fast things are changing in a perverse climate that’s run amuck around the globe.
As a result, many are left wondering what they should say to their children, grandchildren, boss, friends, and family.
But the truth is we have a responsibility to the above mentioned and future generations to explain what we see and where we are headed.
The Fog Index Thickens
A difficult reality to wrap our brains around is how we’ve literally become a culture of hate, death, and darkness.
And a brief review of most media headlines will prove it.
Ironically (or NOT) there has always been hatred, darkness, and injustice in the world.
But NOT in our country.
We used to be the exception…not the rule.
Unfortunately, hate is now the rule.
And as the fog index thickens, one of the most obvious examples of directed hatred is that of the term racism.
As confusion (or fog index) increases over racism, people fail to realize that racism is not a sin of the skin…but it’s a sin of the heart.
And if you dare to voice your opinion then you become a target for hatred.
Sad to say that the media Presstitutes will argue that we’ve never seen a time like this and that we’re doomed.
However, history proves otherwise.
From the Old Testament:
32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.
~1Chronicles 12:32~
With only 200 that had understanding of the times King David was able to turn the world around.
Today we’re confident that we easily know more than 200 people who have understanding of the times.
And that number continues to grow exponentially.
Because as increased awareness of today’s perversion of justice becomes more obvious, more people are realizing how We The People are called to be the conscience of the media, our government, and our culture.
And as more people realize we’re fighting a battle of good vs evil we will be able to turn the tide against those who want to control everything we do.
Be sure to read the upcoming issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE) to understand how the Third Great Awakening is underway.
And how it will help you see through the fog index while you prosper AND thrive in turbulent times.
Share this with a friend…especially if they’ve never heard of the Fog Index.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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