March 2025
March 6, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Securing the Border? Which Border?

It was only a few short years ago when Trump said that Securing the Border should be high on the list of importance.

And unlike his 4 predecessors – who said the same – he took action by asking for $5 Billion to build the US-Mexico border.

People were “Shocked, I tell you, Shocked” at the thought of wasting such an enormous amount of taxpayer dollars.

At the same time Trump’s detractors cried how it would be damaging to the economy.

Cue up: O’Biden’s $40 Billion Package to secure the Ukrainian border while completely ignoring our own border.

Do the math.

That’s EIGHT TIMES more than Trump’s package.

You just can’t make this stuff up.

Especially when you consider that greedy and uber-corrupt politicians (Cough! Zelensky, Cough! Cough!) will likely reroute the lions share of the $40 Bil to their own offshore accounts.

And don’t forget the 10% for the Big Guy.

This begs the question:   Why is the US willing to pay to secure a foreign border but not its own?

Costs for Securing the Border


Ironically (or NOT) Trump’s claim that the $5 Billion for our border would pay for itself wasn’t far off the mark.

Even the very conservative Heritage Foundation, claimed that the US loses $54 billion annually due to the unsecured border.

But Nooooooo!

The O’Biden Administration believe that Securing the Border in Ukraine is far more important than the US-Mexico border.

BTW, the United States Border Patrol recorded 1,659,206 encounters with migrants at the US-Mexico border last fiscal year, surpassing last year’s high of 1,643,679.

Worse yet, approximately 26% of migrant encounters were repeat offenders.


In Plain English…that means Biden’s policies have enticed people facing economic hardship to come to America.

And, of course, the economic hardship worldwide is a result of shutting down the world economy and putting people on lockdowns.

On April 21, 2020 we wrote:

I’m not exaggerating by saying that “More people will die from the economic destruction caused by this flu farce than will die from the flu itself.”

And don’t think for a moment that we won’t have more lockdowns in the future… (think Monkeypox, Bird-Flu, etc.).

So, if you hear about securing the border and can’t figure out what border then think:  Follow the Money.

It answers most of your questions.

And we show you how to Follow the Money every month in our “…In Plain English” newsletter.

Get your copy (HERE).

Share this with a friend…especially if they’re upset about Ukraine getting $40 Billion from Stinky Joe.

They’ll thank YOU later.

At Financial$Matter We’re Not Just About Finance.

We simply use finance to give you hope.





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