It’s usually a subtle crime. But the SEC’s recent violation of GameStop Shareholders is in your face.
Sure, they make it seem like they’re trying to help the public from time to time.
But that’s because they’ve been accepting billions in bribes from the Banksters (Cough! JP Morgan, Cough! Goldman Sachs, Cough! Morgan Stanley, Hairball Cough!).
And in order to look like good guys they try to appear altruistic by making “Warning Videos.”
Cue up: SEC’s video warning investors against popular “meme stocks” (video at link below) namely GameStop.
The video is short.
But here’s the shorter version.
They’re offering direct trading advice.
The Securities Exchange Commission is allegedly a neutral government entity that has no business offering direct trading advice.
Violating GameStop Shareholders
So why do they do it?
It’s another of their dirty little secrets how they try to deter the retail investor to protect the hedge funds.
Wait! What?
Do you remember back in January 2021 when GameStop (GME) ran amuck and nearly bankrupted several large hedge funds?
It happened because a group of online retail investors (Reddit Rebels) promoted the stock.
And allegedly were partially responsible for causing Melvin Capital hedge fund to lose 53% of its capital in January.
Ironically (or NOT) the four largest asset managers in the world owned 39% of GameStop at the time.
Some made fortunes while others got crushed.
It’s how Wall Street works.
And at the time the SEC wanted to ban short selling to protect the Hedge Fund Boyz. (Read: Banning Short Selling is Stupid on Steroids HERE)
The bottom line here is simple.
The SEC should not be telling the public which stocks to avoid… (Cough! Meme stocks, Cough! Cough!) or buy.
As for GameStop shareholders, you should be screaming from the rooftops over what the SEC is doing.
Unfortunately, nothing will come of this because the Boyz in the “Club” go out of their way to protect “the Boyz in the Club.”
But you can avoid most of these Wall Street traps by reading our subscriber only newsletter “…In Plain English” (HERE).
In it we show you what goes on “Behind the Curtain.”
And how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times.
We’ll even give you your first issue for FREE.
See for yourself (HERE).
And share this with a friend…even if they don’t know about GameStop.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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