When the media wants you to focus on something you can rest assured they will give you other distractions to keep you from seeing what’s going on “Behind the Curtain.”
And we usually like to wait a day or so to weigh in with our two cents worth.
Cue up: Sam Bankrun-Fraud’s arrest in the Bahamas
Ironically (or NOT) his arrest came literally 24 hours before he was due to testify in Congress.
So, it seems his arrest may be a way to stop him from saying something that may harm his defense or incriminate others during the hearings… keeping him from incriminating any more politicians.
Based on the charges, he could be looking at life in prison IF convicted.
Adding gasoline to a conspiracy fire, he will be held at MCC, the same dungeon in which Jeffrey Epstein supposedly committed suicide.
And with his connections with all the Democrats, it will be interesting to see if he too suddenly commits suicide.
Ooops! Better Call Saul
This also raises a host of other possibilities, including:
- SBF will blame Caroline Ellison and she’ll blame him.
- Plan on a clown show
- Bet he gets a court date before any of the J6 folks still rotting in prison.
- This concludes Operation Keep Ukraine Money Laundering Concealed…
- He had a lot of help…Money laundering? CIA backing? He didn’t do this alone.
- Plea deal, 1 year probation, records sealed. Now Back to Trumps taxes.
- If he gets a DC jury, he might walk. All he has to do is find a way to blame Trump
- Or they want to put this guy away faster than Paul Pelosi’s “attacker”
Summing things up:
It’s a big club and he’s no longer in it
Other Distractions…The One They Don’t Want You to Notice
And while you’re “looking here and not there…” this also took place.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler – scrubbed evidence of a meeting with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from his calendar, along with key details of a meeting with Billionaire leftist-operative George Soros.
Gensler also concealed September 21 meetings with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and former Bill Clinton White House official-turned-DC consultant, Minyon Moore.
Gensler is, after all, the CEO of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
So, does anyone wonder why the Gensler news disappeared today as well?
Meanwhile, on the kinky/perversion front, the luggage thief was caught AGAIN.
Biden Fires Kinky They/Them Luggage-Stealing Nuke Official, Sam Brinton
The Department of Energy has also tried to distance Biden from the issue saying:
“Sam Brinton is no longer a DOE employee. By law, the Department of Energy cannot comment further on personnel matters.”
Gee, who could have seen this coming?
As a result, some interesting possibilities exist here:
- What a wonderful gift O’Biden just handed he-she because he-she can now sue for wrongful dismissal as he-she has not been convicted
- He-she will walk away with probably millions
- And you’re looking at the next head of the U.S. Department of Education
- Or maybe he’ll get a job at Samsonite
- Or a million-dollar role in a TV sit com starring with Brittney Griner.
This proves that hiring people with a lot of mental health issues was not a good idea…
And this also proves that distractions like these keep you from seeing the truth.
So, if you’re interested in learning the truth, the read the December issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they want the truth.
They’ll thank YOU later.
“And You Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free”
~John 8:32~
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