Now that Saudi Arabia is accepting Yuan – instead of dollars – for oil it’s only a matter of time before the demise of the Petro-dollar is complete.
(Read: Arabs and Their Secrets Behind Rising Oil Prices…And Why $120 Oil is Coming Soon HERE)
Ever since Kissinger negotiated a deal with Saudi Arabia –when Nixon was president – the “Petro-Dollar” became the king of all currencies.
The deal was simple.
The Saudis would sell all their oil in “Dollars.”
And in return the USA would protect them from the rest of the world.
It was probably the sweetest deal in history.
But when Saddam tried sell Iraq’s oil in dollars is when Bush Sr. created “Desert Shield” which led to “Desert Storm.”
And eventually got Saddam killed.
The same happened to Ghaddafi in Libya.
The message being “You Don’t Dare Sell Oil Outside of the Almighty Petro-Dollar …or else!”
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…
Russia AND China are NOT Iraq or Libya.
Saudi Arabia Accepting Yuan
And now that Stinky Joe has imposed sanctions on Russia, all bets are off as far as the Saudi’s are concerned.
This is effectively a tectonic shift in the use of the dollar internationally.
And thanks to the O’Biden administration’s ongoing undermining of our economy, we’re past the point of no return.
Translation: The transition of the world reserve currency is well underway towards China.
The seizure of private Russian assets (sanctions) is such a profound violation of international law, that international capital realizes that the SWIFT system is now political.
And that it’s no longer trustworthy.
As a result, decades of building international trade and trying to create free trade agreements of the past several administrations are now completely destroyed.
Meanwhile, China has been waiting in the wings with their own alternative SWIFT system called CIPS Cross-Border Interbank Payment System.
And China is more than willing to help out their Russki buddies.
Even Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed confidence to reporters Tuesday that Russia will “find a way to eliminate” its economic dependence on the West.
Meanwhile, China is taking notes.
Sad to say that the war mongers/Neocons in DC have “Crossed the Rubicon” with their mishandling of the Russia/Ukraine conflict.
In doing so, they’ve put Ukraine AND the rest of the world in harm’s way.
And don’t think for a moment that Russia and China won’t work this to their advantage.
But, instead of worrying about where this is headed, learn how to make the most of these dangerous times in our March edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
You’ll be glad you did.
And share this with a friend…especially if they think they Saudi’s are our friends.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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