The West keeps poking the bear with the G7 recent agreement of how they will utilize frozen Russian assets in their continued support of the war in Ukraine.
And to avoid being charged with an act of war, they claim they are NOT handing the actual assets to Ukraine.
That’s like saying if you commit adultery with your underwear on, it’s not really adultery.
And as you might expect, one of our favorite Ranters (Boris FullofCrap) is here to add his inflationary 25 cents worth.
Take it away Boris…
James, once again Boris is very sad over the G7 using stolen Russian assets to fund most corrupt nation in the world…Ukraine.
This is an act of war hiding behind sissy leadership to try and force Putin to drop nukes so they can justify killing many Russians with more nukes.
And Boris glad to hear you tell how sissy Senator Lindseed Graham admit the USA wants all the natural gas found under Crimea.
They say it’s worth $10-15 Trillion dollars…but maybe much more.
Like you always say “War is always about money.”
But what bothers Boris most is how too many Americans think Putin is madman who wants to take over the world.
When, from beginning of war, Putin say to Ukraine and all NATO to allow the Russian citizens in Donbas to vote for their independence and everything will be fine.
NATO and West signed Minsk Agreement in 2014 to allow Donbas to vote. But they lied.
Even fat ass woman Merkel admitted they lied and wouldn’t honor Minsk agreement because they use it as a way to stall so they build up Ukraine army.
And no one says Bortsch about it.
Naïve Americans believe American Presstitutes.
And then cry out when millions of citizens end up dead from WW3.
In meantime, America is launching missiles into Russia from Ukraine with American advisers teaching uneducated Ukrainians how to use American bombs.
How is this not act of war?
So now G7 will create financial “Black Hole” ….calling it Ukraine…which with a loan using frozen Russian assets as collateral.
And foolish G7 think Putin won’t confiscate ALL assets held by Western countries and private/public corporations to compensate what is G7 violation of international law.
But nobody cares about international law anymore.
Boris warns, you cannot continue to Poke the Bear (Russia) and not expect them to retaliate.
Problem is the Bear will fight to death.
Boris prays for America and Putin.
Thanks, Boris.
We’re almost speechless knowing that you are right in your evaluation of the G7, Putin, and nukes.
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