In Case You Missed it, our Government admitted that the Interest Alone on our National Debt is over $1 Trillion dollars annually.
Read that sentence again.
In Plain English, that means we can’t even cover the cost of our interest expense on our (soon to be) $35 Trillion in National debt.
And if this doesn’t scare you, then I’m not sure what will.
Because this is the pattern for how ALL empires collapse… under the weight of their own debt.
And it confirms what we’ve been saying how governments will ALL default on their debt.
It’s only a matter of time before we see it happen.
So, for an historical perspective of financial collapse, we’re turning over today’s rant to our friend and ranter supreme, Boris FullofCrap, who witnessed Russia’s collapse during the Reagan years.
So, take it away, Boris…
Hi James. Boris remembers well your President Reagan saying: “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall.”
It was in 1987.
And Russia was already in big trouble…mostly because of Communism but also because Russia was bankrupt and broken.
It is sad but Boris sees America today like Russia then.
And now that America is committed to funding two largescale wars and 10+ million new (illegal) migrants, America sinks deeper into debt hole.
Average Americans are like average Russians because they do not realize that these “free” aid packages to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, the migrants, climate change, etc., come at the expense of the US taxpayers.
YOU are paying for all these measures.
And like Russia, Government will raise taxes to fund these fiscal measures.
But (like Russia) they will NEVER collect steal enough from people to cover their spending.
Boris explained before why these measures lead to rising inflation where goods cost significantly more…and your dollar is worth significantly less.
And Boris laugh out loud when hear Americans say how their homes are worth so much more now.
Foolish people don’t realize that home isn’t worth more but dollar is worth less.
Boris quote FED chairman Jerome Powell from interview on 60 Minutes Presstitute show:
“In the long run, the US is on an unsustainable fiscal path. The US federal government is on an unsustainable fiscal path and that just means that the debt is growing faster than the economy,”
If Russian make statement like that he would end up in Siberia or Gulag.
But FED Powell speaks truth.
And his problem to try regulate price stability can’t happen when overlords are doing everything possible to make economy drive off deep end with foolish issues/lies like climate change.
America looks more like old Russia every day.
It makes Boris sad because Boris came here to get away from what is now happening here.
Boris, as always, You Rock!
And don’t be sad because we believe there is a Great Awakening taking place in America as we speak.
Read more about it in our March Newsletter (HERE).
As always, if you – our Dear Readers – have a rant you’d like to share then please send it to us.
You never know whose life will be affected by it.
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Share this with a friend…especially if they think their home is worth more today than last year.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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