Despite what everyone thinks the markets should do, we have long contended that the markets are right almost all the time.
And we believe most investors make mistakes because they ignore one simple rule:
The Markets Don’t Care About Your Opinion or How You Feel.
If anything, our What’s in Store for 2024 theme is proving that every day.
And this past week was a classic example of another old Wall Street adage:
The Markets Move in the Direction that Frustrates the Most Investors
With that in mind we are turning today’s rant over to a friend that been a Wall Street advisor for over 40 years…who goes by the handle of Mrk2Mrkt. *
(* Mark to Market is Wall Street term for pricing something according to what the market dictates)
So, take it away M2M.
Thanks James. And based on our history in the biz (waaaayyy back to the early 1980s in Chicago at “Mother Merrill”) it is my pleasure to contribute my 2 cents worth on why the markets are always right.
Hopefully it will give some perspective and helpful insight to your readers that they otherwise might not get from the financial Presstitutes.
Because experience has taught us that the financial media sold out to their Wall Street Overlords decades ago.
But for old-timers like us, it’s comforting to know that despite the corruption behind the curtain, the markets are always right.
The fact that they are always right is what drives most investors crazy.
And it causes them to make costly mistakes thinking that their “gut feeling is right this time.”
How many times have we heard that over the years?
At the same time, we both know that history repeats (and investors make the same mistakes repeatedly) because The Passions of Man Never Change.
But the main reason people fail to see why the markets are right is because they ignore the past…and can’t seem to figure out how everything moves in cycles.
Instead, they try to compare today’s markets with 1929 and the Great Depression.
And most people still believe that the Crash in 1987 was caused by a computer failure.
Ironically (or NOT…as you like to say) both events were triggered by capital flow.
And in both cases, the “smart money” saw the movement of capital and moved out before the rest of the world knew what was going on.
Now, as far as today’s market is concerned (and with Doom Porn addicts screaming for a 70-90% crash) we don’t see capital moving out of the US like it did in ’29 and ’87. As a result, I agree totally with your call that we are still in The Most Hated Bull Market in History.
And that’s mostly because capital is still flowing into the US.
When that stops, it’s a different ballgame.
Until then most people will continue to wonder why the markets are always right.
And continue to be frustrated that they are wrong.
One more thing…I believe your call on gold is still in it’s early stages and was wondering if your still buying AEM…and what other gold stocks do you like?
Thanks, M2M.
And yes, we still like AEM.
Like we say to all our readers, be sure to read this month’s “Short and Sweet Tips” column (HERE) to see which stocks we like.
As always, if you – our Dear Readers – have a rant you would like to share then please send it to us.
You never know whose life will be affected by it.
And if you want to see some NSFW rants then go (HERE).
And be sure to check out our new Three Tier pricing for our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they don’t realize the markets are always right.
They will thank YOU later.
Remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
But we use finance to give you hope.
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