Capital controls historically never work.
And yet the selected/not elected Kamalama has already proposed how she will impose capital controls (if she becomes president).
Her handlers are telling her what to do/say because she is not bright enough to come up with any original ideas.
And we wonder if anyone coming up with this idea has ever asked: “Has this ever worked in the past?”
The answer is obviously NO!
Ironically (or NOT) cap controls often show up when there is war brewing.
Russia is well versed in capital controls.
And speaking of Russia, today we have our favorite Russian transplant (Boris FulovCrap) chiming in with his $0.25 cents worth (adjusted for inflation).
So, take it away Boris FoC.
James, Boris likes how you call Ms Harris by name of Kamalama Ding Dong.
It reminds Boris of old Alvin and Chipmunks song where they sing: “Ting, Tang, Walla Walla Bing Bang.”
But Boris worries that Kamalama’s handlers will make controls happen.
And it will make quicker a war between Russia and NATO.
American Neocons need war. And they use fake media to make every country in Europe to now chanting war with Russia. NATO is Neocon too.
Boris sees Europe and NATO making same mistakes Russia made in past wars.
They will impose capital control to prevent capital from fleeing.
And Boris thinks Kamalama’s capital controls start when they attempt to cancel paper dollars and forcing everyone into CBDCs.
To quote my dear friend, Jame Vincent: “Don’t eat the fish.”
Ooops! Boris think quote may be wrong.
But Boris is not wrong when he says gold and silver will be the only forms of money that can survive under these conditions.
Big problem happens with Bitcoin and other cryptos because they need PowerGrid to operate.
And they can shut it up anytime they want.
So, Boris make warning… Anything transacting through internet can be taken by government, assuming PowerGrid is functioning during war.
Boris has studies and knows wars have been driving force behind all monetary crises…and that wars have been used to overshadow economic collapses.
How does Boris know this? Russia has had many.
And USA will be no exception.
Hopefully in November we have Trump winning president again and stopping World War 3.
Or else we might be singing Chipmunks song: “OO EE, OO, AH AH, TING, TANG, WALLA WALLA BING BANG.”
We love you, Boris.
And thanks for highlighting the Chipmunks/Kamalama reference.
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Share this with a friend…especially if they agree with Boris that Kamala is Obama in a skirt.
They will thank YOU later.
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