It is official. Residents of New Jersey can now select their child’s gender and sexual identity at birth.
No, we are not making this up.
And people wonder why New Jersey is usually the butt of all jokes?
So, today we have HolyRollingRob on tap with his rant about gender selections.
Take it away HRR
Hi James. It has become obvious how progressive woke ideas have infiltrated every aspect of the state of New Jersey by allowing parents to choose their newborn’s gender AND sexual identity at birth.
Who in their right mind can look at a newborn girl and say “she’s a boy” or the opposite.
But that is the point…these people are not of a right mind in any sense of the word.
Instead, they will answer questionnaires asking stupid questions like “Do you identify your baby as: female, male, transgender female/trans woman/male to female, transgender male/trans man/female to male, gender queer, neither exclusively male nor female, additional gender category/self-described.”
Simply unbelievable!
And what this means is if you always wanted a boy but gave birth to a girl, you can simply decide that your baby identifies as a boy.
This is the “science” they expect us to believe and blindly trust.
XX or XY chromosomes simply don’t matter.
This is truly disgusting and disturbing state-permitted child abuse.
And it’s horrible how these same progressives believe that the unborn babies do not have rights and want “birthing people” to have the ability to terminate pregnancy at any point.
But as soon as the baby enters the world, they should know their sexuality and pick a trendy gender.
It’s hard to believe this is even legal.
Seriously, these babies did not ask to be born to mentally disturbed, woke parents who can manipulate their identity at will.
Sometimes, the spirit of slap overtakes me.
Growing up, my mom taught me to never hit a woman. But she never said anything about the other 72 genders.
The Trump administration would like to ban gender reassignment surgeries for minors because IT IS CHILD ABUSE, life-altering, irreversible, horrendous child abuse that the crazy left wingers are encouraging.
Atrocities like this remind me of the lyrics from a famous Pink Floyd song…. “LEAVE THEM KIDS ALONE…”
Thanks, HRR.
And thanks for the Pink Floyd flashback reminding us that:
“All in all, you’re just a…nother brick in the wall.”
As always, if you – our Dear Readers – have a rant you would like to share then please send it to us.
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