October 16, 2024

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Saturday Rant…Iran Wants to Kill Trump?

Rumors are starting to spread/speculate that Iran wants to kill Trump.

Or is it possible that the Deep State is using Iran to cover for their next attempt to kill Trump?

Enquiring minds want to know.

And today we have our favorite Russian transplant (Boris FulOvCrap) weighing in with his $0.25 cents worth (adjusted for inflation).


Take it away, Boris.




James, American 3-letter spy agencies (CIA, FBI, DOJ) look more like old Russian 3-letter agencies (KGB).

 And Boris sees patterns how US Presstitutes help 3-letter agencies cover their a** just like Pravda did in Russia.

Most Americans don’t know the word “Pravda” means “Truth.”

Pravda saying truth make Boris laugh because not any truth found in Pravda.

And like you (James) say:  nothing would be further from truth.

Because “Pravda” was the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the old Soviet Union (USSR).

And was strongly encouraged by Lenin and Stalin to spread lies about how Russian government controlled and killed millions of Russians over Communism.

And today Boris sees US Presstitutes planning to place the blame for 3rd assassination attempt on Trump to Iran or China.

Your Deep State hates Trump too much because he will destroy their plans to stop war.

So, they play dirty like KGB.

And now Boris hears how Biden Deep State tries to blame Iran before the next assassination attempt on Trump.





Maybe they are running out of crazy Blackrock paid shooters who can’t shoot straight.

And now FBI blocking State of Florida from investigating the second assassin.

This makes Boris think we will never hear the truth…very much like we still wait beyond 60 years for the truth of JFK.

But making believe Iran or China will try to kill Trump makes it more professional looking…and will justify their reason for war.

And to make it real effective, they could use rocket launcher or bazooka at Trump’s plane…making sure they don’t miss like bad shooters did.

This will give appearance of government plot giving them reason to blame Iran or China.

Of course, lying American Pravda media will make everyone hate Iran or China more.

Boris worries for President Trump.  Especially since they failed to kill him twice.

And hoping 3rd time will not be charming for Deep State Neocons.



Thanks, Boris… We love you.

And your insights and comparisons to old Russia are uncanny.


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Share this with a friend…especially if they agree with Boris that Kamala is Obama in a skirt.

They will thank YOU later.




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