We originally thought about calling this email, The Media Doesn’t Hate Trump…They Hate YOU.
But then we got this excellent rant from JustTryMe (JTM) who tends to be a bit edgy.
And, at the same time, makes excellent talking points.
So, take it away JTM…
James, you know that most people think the Presstitutes hate Trump.
But the truth is they love Trump.
They simply use him as a focal point so you won’t see why they hate YOU.
We need a caveat here…
If any of your readers think today’s media is legit then they probably should not read this email.
However, when you see how corrupt our system is, you won’t be a victim to its lies and hatred.
This email is not about Donald Trump (although the Presstitutes focus a lot of hatred toward him).
It’s about how Wall Street and Washington use the media to influence you.
And they have one simple goal.
It’s all about control.
FACT: Using hatred to influence people is powerful.
And it thrives on the darker side of our imaginations.
Unfortunately, it’s not only harmful but very effective.
Take a step back from everything you hear or see in today’s media and think about this question.
Have you ever seen such widespread hatred?
You know the answer.
But do you know how it affects your decision-making process?
Here is a quick test to take to help you see through bought-and paid-for media lies.
Stop watching TV news and reading the major papers for one week.
ONE WEEK? Are you kidding me?
Because IF you can’t discipline yourself for one week, chances are you’re a media addict. And that’s exactly what the system wants.
However, if you succeed in shutting down the media, you’ll start to see their sinister ways with a new set of eyes.
And you’ll hate them even more.
One more thing…and most people will hate hearing this.
The media continues to cover for the people behind Epstein.
So, forget about finding any evidence on anybody involved with the Epstein scandal.
ALL hard evidence has been destroyed as soon as Trump was elected.
The FBI had been using it as blackmail.
But now they can’t risk the Trump administration getting a hold of it.
The Deep State FBI operatives are playing a shell game with it to keep the Trump administration running around looking as long as possible before they find the truth.
And it’s one of many reasons why I hate the media.
Oh, and speaking of files, you can forget about the Seth Rich Files also.
P.S. Q: How can you tell if the media Presstitutes are lying?
A: By paying attention to them.
Yeow, JTM!
We hope you are wrong about the Epstein files.
But it wouldn’t surprise us if you are right.
And most of the staff at FinancialsMatter relates to your reasoning for hating mostly the main stream media.
We can relate…and will have some follow-up reports in our March Newsletter (HERE).
As always, if you – our Dear Readers – have a rant you would like to share then please send it to us.
You never know whose life will be affected by it.
And if you want to see some NSFW rants then go (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they are starting to realize the media hates them. They will thank YOU later.
And if you like what you just read and want to buy us a cup of coffee, click on the link below.
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