We mentioned this in the past but now it has become obvious how Blackrock owns Ukraine.
And they are setting up investors for a big fall with their Ukraine Reconstruction Bank.
READ: How Ukraine Was Sold to Blackrock July 26, 2023 (HERE)
And to elaborate on this topic, today we have a familiar ranter to FinancialsMatter who is also a self-proclaimed expert of Russia.
And who goes by the handle Boris FullofCrap.
So, take it away Boris FoC.
James, thanks for making Boris look like celebrity on your good information site.
But Russians (unlike Americans) try to stay out of headlines and spotlights. Mostly for reasons of history.
And we prefer not to get sent to gulag.
But in America we can speak our truth and not fear Big Brother…at least for now.
But Boris has warned you in past how Ukraine is weak and can never defeat Mother Russia.
Their comedian president Zelensky is in trouble…and he knows it.
But he stills begs Western nations for more money.
And Boris also said that war is not for people of Ukraine. Instead, it is for greedy American Bankers like Blackrock.
Zelensk sold out Ukraine to BlackRock…so he could make big Laundry Mat for American Politicians and families.
And BlackRock and JPMorgan partnered with the Ukrainian government to “establish a reconstruction bank that will serve as a conduit for public seed capital to fund rebuilding projects.”
Rebuilding projects?…Ha Ha Ha…making Boris laugh (LOL).
Why Boris laugh?
Ukraine using same tactic that Russia used when lying about Russian land only allowed to own by Russia.
They lie about buyer and get local partner to fund money under local company name.
And just like Russia backfire and default in 1998 collapsing economy, Ukraine will be same.
Blackrock will have same liquidity crisis and their investments in Ukraine will bellys up themselves.
Boris also tell you last time how over 500,000 people in Ukraine are dead because Zelensky is mad man.
And how 10 Million citizens leave Ukraine for safety, who will never return.
Is not joke because Boris not laugh at dead people.
Blackrock has blood on hands.
And for now, they own Ukraine.
But stay away from ALL Ukraine investments offered by greedy American Banksters.
And when Blackrock goes with bellys-up, don’t say that Boris didn’t warn you.
Thanks again, Boris.
Your insight (from a Russian viewpoint) is on track with our opinions of Blackrock.
And we don’t recommend any of our readers to invest in ANY of Blackrock’s funds.
In fact, we think 2024 will be brutal on Blackrock’s stock (BLK).
Read about it in our December Short and Sweet Tips column (HERE).
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