Tomorrow (Easter Sunday) is supposedly when over 2.3 Billion Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ…Which begs the question: Where did the Easter Bunny come from?
Or maybe a better question would be, “How, over the last 2,000+ years, did the highest and holiest celebration in Christianity morph into a pagan ritual of a rabbit hiding colored eggs?”
We can speculate all day on this issue but suffice it to say that it might have something to do with profits from chocolate companies and other sweet delights like marshmallow Peeps, jelly beans, etc.
But we’re not the only ones who have reservations about worshipping a rodent as a substitute for celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
And that’s why we’re turning today’s rant over to a reader that goes by the handle of RU Eddy.
Take it away RU:
James, of the 4,200+ religions in the world, Christianity is by far the largest.
And it is THE ONLE ONE that has a savior – Jesus Christ – that was resurrected from the dead.
And whether anyone believes it or not there is ample evidence recorded by historians that He appeared to more than just the apostles after His death.
In fact, there is more evidence of Jesus’ existence on earth than there is of Caesar.
Which is why it boggles my mind to witness how everyone ignores those facts in order to pay homage to a stinking rat.
The Jews try to deny the Resurrection of Jesus by saying that the apostles paid off the guard at His tomb so it wouldn’t look like He did what He said He would do.
It was the fulfillment of prophecy in addition to the hundreds of other prophecies He fulfilled in His 33 years on earth.
And while the Muslims think Jesus was a prophet, they also deny that He was God manifest in the flesh.
But the worst offenders of all are the Christians.
They supposedly know better and yet they like everyone else condone the celebration of their Highest Holy Day to a pagan ritual involving bunnies who hide colored eggs, and gives out chocolates, jelly beans, and marshmallow peeps to the kids.
Wow! Talk about indoctrination.
And it gets worse every year.
So – based on how everything else in the world today has gone to hell in an Easter handbasket – if we’re not living in the final days, we’re getting too close for comfort.
A prophecy from Isaiah comes to mind…
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
~Isaiah 5:20~
I just pray that people realize the error of their thinking before it’s too late.
Wow, RU.
That’s some serious preaching that we’re sure will offend many people.
But it’s also the truth…which – rightfully so – REALLY offends most people.
“And Ye Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make You Free.”
~John 8:32~
As always, if you – our Dear Readers – have a rant you’d like to share then please send it to us.
You never know whose life will be affected by it.
And if you want to see some NSFW rants then go (HERE).
Remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
But we use finance to give you hope.
P.S. What Would Jesus Do?
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