It’s not so obvious (yet) but liberals are showing increasing signs of having their TDS triggered (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
And it is looking like it will reach epidemic levels soon.
Case in point…
The other day I made the mistake of commenting on a Facebook post regarding how eradicated diseases have been making a comeback.
And within 5 minutes of commenting I witnessed the unexpected wrathful of someone I knew from high school who I considered a friend.
Her name will not be revealed here…but let’s just say her name is Alina.
The post Alina put on Facebook referenced how so many diseases – once thought eradicated – have been making a comeback.
It was a lengthy post loaded with details and statistics regarding multiple diseases and was obvious that Alina did not originate it.
Alina, however, contributed her $0.02 cents worth by blaming the comeback on ANTI-VAXERS.
And went on to criticize parents today who are reluctant to vaccinate their kids calling them selfish and not willing to “take one for the team and science.”
My comment was simple:
Mabey they are making a comeback because of all the illegal immigrants invading our country. They bring their diseases with them too.
Her unedited response was:
Oh wow, hello. Wasn’t aware you were still around Ha! Here we go! A post about the importance of vaccines to keep our loved ones safe & you take it as an opportunity to slot in your opinion on illegal immigrants. Nada. You have NEVER commented on anything I’ve ever posted about my fun adventures, except a few years ago only derogatory comments on my hair color like an elementary school boy! Now you want to hand me your two cents, stranger I used to know? Only because you think you can use my wall for your political stance? You have your own wall & I suggest you use it to voice your opinion about immigrants. It’s certainly not the same as what Jesus thought considering He was one. BTW, immigrants have been crossing the border for many, many decades and you know it! They are not required to be immunized before they hit the border legally. It’s best but not required. Don’t f**k with me. I can go from a lady to a street thug in a nanno second. My post was not political even though I owe no one an explanation. You don’t like it, move along! I stay in my lane on ‘friends’ posts respectively & I expect the same!
It appears that Alina’s breakdown and lashing out over my comment has some deep roots.
Maybe (like she noted) it’s because I haven’t’ been paying attention to her posts/adventures for the last decade.
Or Maybe she’s been mad at me for something that happened in high school (like commenting on her hair) and is still stewing over it.
Or Maybe JUST MAYBE she is trying to impress me with how she can go from a lady into a street thug in a nan0-second.
Whatever the reason is, it doesn’t matter to me.
But what matters is how there are soooooo many people out there like Alina, suffering from TDS, uniquely toxic, and are literally a powder keg.
And Trump is not even president yet.
Like I said at the beginning, I made a mistake commenting on Facebook in the first place.
And I probably should not have responded to Alina’s scathing remarks by pointing out that she misspelled nanno second by telling her it only has one “n” in it.
My nano second comment wasn’t well received…and I won’t publish how she responded.
Suffice it to say that this post is a “heads up” to mostly conservative people who should expect the unexpected as Trump takes over.
The crazies will be coming out of the woodworks.
And it’s a safe bet, members of the Party-of-Tolerance won’t be very tolerant.
Stay tuned for our 2025 forecast in our December “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they know someone like Alina. They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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