For those of you old enough to remember, the first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970.
Back then it seemed like a noble cause to rally everyone around the globe to “Save the Planet” from mankind’s destructive ways.
53 years and billions of dollars later we find it’s the same old crap but hidden under the guise of Climate Change/Green Revolution/Great Reset bulls**t.
From website:
Becoming an Earth Day Member is one of the most direct and meaningful ways you can support our work in the environmental movement. By joining as a member, your annual donation will provide us with the certain funding needed to coordinate long-term action to advocate for individual, government, and corporate action on climate change, educate…
Blah, Blah, Blah…
And from the 70s…
Sorry if you think we’re being too cynical here.
But wait till you hear todays rant from an “Earth Day Veteran, former 70s hippie, self-proclaimed “F&&K the Establishment and Stick it to the Man” converted Capitalist who goes by the handle of: Corporate Hippie.
So, take it away CH.
I was in college and regularly protested the Vietnam War when the first “Earth Day” took place.
And like many of my anti-establishment friends at that time, we thought “Earth Day” would be the new revolution that would allow us to make a difference.
Besides, Earth Day encouraged us to all smoke pot because it was natural and from the earth.
We didn’t need excuses to get high back then. It was what we did. And being part of a bigger picture that went against the establishment was exciting.
However, after a few years the novelty wore off and it seemed like it became a platform for Ecologists and Sierra Club members – who we thought were gods – to make all of their Doomsday predictions about how we would destroy the earth before the year 2000.
And today we have extreme nutcases like Al Gore who are basically doing and saying the same things the ecologists did back in the 1970s. Only difference is how rip off artists like Gore won a Nobel Peace Prize for his farce.
And, unlike the 70s, today’s front men for “saving the earth” are often wealthy businessmen and/or politicians who steal tax dollars to further their fake cause.
What’s funny about that is back in the 70s, they were the people we hated the most.
And today they’re in charge.
After college I left my hippie days and became successful as an entrepreneur in the 80s and 90s.
But I never forgot the adrenaline rush from being part of a cause that appeared to be honorable.
Unfortunately, those days are long gone.
But there’s coming a time (soon) when I believe we’ll see a resurgence of the rebellious spirit we had back then to confront these pri**ks who are stealing our freedoms today and making a mockery of us all in the process.
Bottom line is we’re not destroying the earth.
It’s been around a lot longer than us and will survive long after we’re gone.
Thanks, Corporate Hippie.
And you’re right about the world surviving and outlasting humans.
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