While the Presstitutes attempt to make you focus on the 2024 election/circus in America, Putin announced his plan to implement CBDCs in Russia.
Yes…Central Bank Digital Currencies will begin in Russia as early as July 2025.
As expected, one of our favorite Ranters (Boris FulovCrap) weighed in with his $0.25 cents worth ($0.02 cents adjusted for inflation).
Take it away, Boris
James, Putin making CBDCs in Russia is no surprise to Boris.
Boris even tell you same in long ago rant.
And the reason Putin moves to CBDC world is because of stupid sanctions put on Russia by Stupid American Dementia President.
Unfortunately, most Americans never see how Sanctions NEVER WORK.
They only hear what your presstitutes tell them and how American hurts Putin and Russian economy.
Is not true.
Because your presstitutes only say what their Pravda-like overlords tell them to say.
But it makes Boris sad to see how America is becoming more like old Russia every day.
And Russia become more like old America every day.
Funny how keeping Russia out of SWIFT banking system helped Russia and hurt Western World.
Now alliance between Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and most of Asia grows stronger with their own version of SWIFT banking system.
It’s how they give the thumb to West.
And converting to CBDCs make banking easier for Russia and all of Asia.
Just like you, James, Boris is not fan of CBDCs.
And will hold on to cash in addition to gold and silver coins in hand to protect money when the next CrowdStrike shutdown happens.
Boris believes recent CrowdStrike failure was test to see how world acts when system fails.
And in future, if everything is in CBDCs, then brown stuff hits fan…LOL!
Boris also predict, how Putin will make – for digital ruble – all operations go through Russian central bank.
And all CBDC will be stored through central bank, which they ensure is for citizens’ safety. LOL!
Here is truth… Governments want control and there is no better way to control people than usurping the money supply and what can be considered “money.”
Russia will be first.
America will follow Russia with CBDCs
And now that we have Kamala (Obama in a skirt) Harris making joke to be president, Boris predict much trouble before elections…and riots after elections.
Boris have questions…
Why do liberals say they won’t vote for man who had “side chicks” and then say they vote for real side chick?
And why do they say we should vote for Kamala (Obama in a skirt) because she’s a woman when they also say “What is a woman?”
Boris make a joke…LOL!
But, James, Boris not joking when he says America is going on a big rolling coaster ride that looks like it will get worse before better.
So, buckle down your seat belt.
Thanks, Boris… You are the best.
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They will thank YOU later.
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