A lot of people are asking us about the recent beatdown in Bitcoin. And after a 75% decline, we don’t want to say “We told you so.”
But…we told you so.
READ: Crypto Causality Creates Chaos (Written November 17, 2017)
And if you want to know more of what we’ve written about Bitcoin/Cryptocurrencies/Digital Money/Etc., click on the search bar on our site and type in Bitcoin, crypto, etc.
We have articles that go back to the original “White Paper” by Satoshi Nakamoto introducing Bitcoin in 2008 (at the peak of the financial crisis…coincidence?).
In the meantime, we want you to read a rant about digital money from a writer who goes by the handle of “Scoob Martin.”
So, take it away Scoob.
A 75% Decline?
All those dipsh**s who bragged about making fortunes in Bitcoin and crypto currencies are finally getting their comeuppance.
What’s happening in the crypto world is a classical digital pump and dump scheme.
But the devotees still say that Bitcoin is the answer to all of the world’s financial problems.
I say Bulls**t.
Cryptos are definitively not a store of value because a store of value (like Gold) does not lose 75% of it’s value in a very short time.
So, where’s all the crypto bros to tell us we don’t understand crypto? LMAO!
And to your credit, Mr. Vincent, you’ve said for a long time that Digital Currencies are the banksters wet dream that will allow the government to track everything and anything we do.
But what gets me is how so many people think that some digital form of money has any intrinsic value when it can simply disappear with a click of a mouse.
Because it has zero intrinsic value, the bag holders will have nothing at the end, classic Ponzi.
And that douchebag Sam Bankman-Fried…Soon to be known as “Sam Bankrun-Fraud” from FTX should go to jail for lying about his balance sheet and taking $6 Billion from his company to fund some weird “teenage investing wizards” group.
His FTX had bankrupted investors (many celebrities like Tom Brady and Matt Damon) will lose billions. And I won’t feel sorry for any of them.
Anyone who believes the hype over digital currencies deserves to have their azz handed to them.
Thanks, Scooby/Scoob for that informative/passionate rant.
Beware Another Decline
As always, if you – our Dear Readers – have a rant you’d like to share then send it to us.
You never know whose life will be affected by it.
And if you want to see some NSFW rants then go (HERE).
Remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
But we use finance to give you hope.
P.S. How many of you out there know the significance of this quote:
“Remember, Remember the 5th of November”
~V for Vendetta~
Circa 2006
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