In what appears to be a sign that the markets have reached the top, reality TV star Kim Kardashian announced she is going to start her own private equity firm (PE).
Ironically (or NOT) PE is a legacy for tax fraud and/or money laundering.
So, what is motive for this venture?
The firm is going to be focused on “investing in and building consumer and media businesses”, according to a writeup by the Wall Street Journal this week. ‘
Rather than bore you with the details, we’ll turn this rant over to a Financial$Matter follower who goes by the name Curtis McNasty.
Take it away Curtis:
“This reeks of ‘tax planning’ otherwise known as a good old tax avoidance scam.
I’ll take money laundering for $1000, Alex.
This family is a prophetic picture of what is metastasizing in the USA.
And what’s amazing is that Kim (and her slutty sisters) owes her entire existence to O.J. Simpson trying to cut his ex-wife’s head off.
Do you think she’ll focus on hostile makeovers?
Or T&A (Takeovers and Acquisitions) Lol, Lol.
She’s probably going into Private Equity because her equity is based on her privates…LOL.
The Kardashians have a proven successful business model as follows: 1) Make a Sex Tape, 2) Go Big on Social Media, 3) Modeling, 4) Reality TV Show, 5) Clothing Line, 6) Skin Care Products, 7) Hook up with creepy Pete Davidson, and finally 8) Private Equity firm…to hide all the profits.
And she mentioned adding her mother Kris Jenner to the firm…What about Caitlyn?
This family is the 21st Century version of the shoe-shine boy giving stock tips. And it’s a sign that the markets have peaked.
I keep wondering if she’ll make a butt load with this PE…LMAO!
And if she was pulled over and searched by the cops she’d be arrested for 20 pounds of bad crack….LOL LOL!
In order to keep this post PG rated we had to limit Mr. McNasty’s rant.
But thank you Curtis for that refreshing, if not entertaining rant.
As always, if you – our Dear Readers – have a rant you’d like to share then send it to us.
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“When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you – you know your nation is doomed”.
~A. Rand~
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