History is riddled with examples of nations using sanctions as an act of war.
Unfortunately, the media Presstitutes never explain it that way.
Cue up: Japan and Pearl Harbor.
Sad to say that most Americans believe that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was unprovoked.
The presstitutes failed to mention that Roosevelt’s Oil Embargo/Sanctions against Japan destroyed their oil dependent economy.
To survive, the clever Japanese had cars that ran on fuel from burning wood.
And for an outstanding read on why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, I strongly suggest you read December 6 by Martin Cruz Smith. (Available on Amazon (HERE)
An Act of War
Long story short, economic sanctions become an act of war.
As a result, the world suffers from the actions of short-sighted people. (Read: Tormented by Short-Sighted People HERE).
Ironically (or NOT) an act of war is being fostered by the West against Ukraine using Zelensky as their puppet.
Case in point:
There has been no effort to negotiate to tell Zelensky to do what he promised when he won the position in 2019 as President of Ukraine.
Zelensky became President of Ukraine by promising he would ease tensions with Russia and resolve the crisis in the breakaway republics – Donetsk and Luhansk – in east Ukraine since 2014.
Unfortunately, Zelensky didn’t make any attempt to keep his promises.
Instead, he has done exactly the opposite by shelling Donbas escalating the civil war and relentlessly provoking Russia by constantly asking NATO to violate the Budapest Agreement.
So, it’s not hard to imagine that Zelensky is a puppet for the West.
And, most likely, has been promised great personal wealth to steer Ukraine into a position to justify World War III.
Once again, this all comes down to the slogan that provides the answers to most of your questions: “Follow the Money.”
And you can rest assured that most major Banksters profit from sanctions…especially when they constitute an act of war.
Think I’m Kidding?
Read our March issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE) and see for yourself.
And share this with a friend…especially if they think we should fight a war with Ukraine.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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