More proof that sanctions don’t work is reflected in Russia’s oil revenues hitting a record high.
The reason?
Soaring commodity exports.
Ironically (or NOT) this is in total contrast to what European countries – and Stinky Joe – wanted to happen.
And the numbers are staggering.
A German think tank found that Russia’s oil and gas revenues hit a record high in April: “After only 4 months, Russia’s federal budget has now already received 50% of the planned oil and gas revenue for 2022 (9.5 trillion).” *
(* Note: Bloomberg confirmed this stunning statistic on Thursday)
Let’s call it what it is…a financial windfall for Putin/Russia.
And despite the EU’s public censure and posturing of the Kremlin they remained the largest market for Russian exports in April, taking 43% of the country’s exports.
Why Sanctions Don’t Work
Meanwhile, the Russian Ruble Runs Rampant.
And ever since Putin got squeezed out of using the SWIFT system, he made everyone pay for oil in rubles.
As a result, the ruble is soaring.
And will continue to do so.
Because Europe NEEDS Russian oil.
The question now becomes: when are we going to start buying oil from the Russians to get the price of gasoline down????
Sad to say, O’Biden’s sanctions – which were intended to punish Russia – are actually punishing Americans and making Russia richer?
And yet, the goons in DC want to step up their sanctions – that don’t work – as if it’s eventually going to work.
That’s like hitting yourself in the head with a brick thinking it will make your headache go away.
Unfortunately, the Presstitutes won’t show Putin’s side of the story nor report what he’s said:
“Last December we proposed signing a treaty on security guarantees. Russia urged the West to hold an honest dialogue in search for meaningful and compromising solutions, and to take account of each other’s interests. All in vain. NATO countries did not want to heed us, which means they had totally different plans. And we saw it.”
~Vladimir Putin~
Not only did they see it, but they acted in the best interests of Russia.
And most Americans are left wondering why our elected officials won’t do the same for us.
As bad as things might seem, we can still survive this mess on a personal level.
And we need to focus on that for personal survival.
Find out how in our May issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they think sanctions work.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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Putin’s Response to Sanctions
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