Laziness has been around since mankind has been on the earth. But when laziness goes mainstream is when empires collapse.
Cue up: “More jobs available than people willing to work” headlines.
Government numbers estimate that there are over 10.9 Million job openings out there and only 8.4 Million unemployed Americans looking for jobs…or NOT looking.
So, why the discrepancy?
Maybe it’s because the job openings don’t meet the financial requirements of job-seekers.
Or Maybe the “job seekers” aren’t all that interested in going back to work after living off of Govie Freebies for the last year.
Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE, the effects of rewarding laziness for the last several decades is pushing us closer to becoming a Banana Republic.
In a nutshell, the support of today’s able-bodied poor by the government or charitable groups needs to stop.
Don’t misunderstand this.
Because love compels believers to help those in need.
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…just giving food or money to the poor is not the help they really need.
They need the opportunity to work and be contributors instead of takers.
Unfortunately, we now have second AND third-generation welfare recipients who have lost all motivation and dignity.
And that’s NOT how society is designed.
When Laziness Goes Mainstream
Allow me to prove it from the owner’s manual for civilization:
“Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives.”
~Titus 3:14~
And these problems are being exacerbated from the possibility of O’Bidens latest $3.5 TRILLION spending bill passing in Congress.
Ironically (or NOT) Dementia Joe is saying his $3.5 Trillion “Build Back Better Agenda Costs Nothing.”
Costs Nothing?
This is the largest tax increase and most expensive legislation in history…and it’s not going to cost us anything?
AND, the new budget bill includes VAX MANDATES, along with fines of $700,000 for non-compliance.
This is further proof that the boyz in DC treat us like the Great Unwashed Masses who are too stupid to think for ourselves.
And they want us to trust them?
Maybe they’re right and that’s why rewarding laziness has gone mainstream.
But…and this is another Very Big Butt…
The markets have a way of sniffing things out in advance.
And you can rest assured those who are being rewarded for laziness will be run over like a freight train by the Wall Street Boyz.
And they’ll never see it coming.
Don’t be one of them.
Instead, learn how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times (HERE).
Feel free to share this with a friend who isn’t lazy.
And tell them We’re Not Just About Finance.
Never Have So Many Done So Little to Save So Few
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