A glimpse of what’s happening right now in China is a forerunner of quarantine camps of the future.
Wait! What?
Chinese people are quickly learning that the “Tracker Apps” – allegedly used for Covid purposes – have become a living nightmare.
Cue up: Recently, over $6 Billion ($39 billion yuan) was frozen in Chinese banks preventing depositors from accessing money.
After several bank runs, citizens were planning a protest after learning their funds were frozen.
But the banks have a provision in the “Covid tracker apps” that requires users to be scanned (QR codes) before entering a bank…and/or most other public places.
(Read: https://www.financialsmatter.com/this-is-your-brain-on-apps-sizzle-pop/)
It gets creepier.
It’s being reported that thousands of COVID-negative individuals had their status changed via the app.
As a result, it restricts their movement and makes public places inaccessible.
Even the Communist News Network reported that numerous bank depositors in Henan, China were taken to Quarantine Camps.
In one instance an individual was forced to spend the night in a quarantine camp after his code falsely showed he came into contact or was infected with COVID.
Quarantine Camps Alive and Thriving
After spending a night in a quarantine camp, the depositor was allowed to go home.
But…and this is a very big Butt…since his code was still inactive, he was not permitted to board a train home.
What this is saying is that anyone who took the vax has the possibility of their “QR” code being altered and/or freezing them out of their assets in the bank.
And if the government decides your “code” (tracer app) is invalid – or altered – then you may spend some time in a Quarantine Camp simply because “They” think you pose a threat.
So, do you think this can’t happen here?
Think again.
Why do you think the Big Pharma Boyz got the green light so quickly to develop the so-called vaccines?
And what do you think might happen when people who want to protest future lockdowns and/or possible restrictions on voting in November?
I’ll tell you what will happen.
You’ll get a glaring notice that most of your accounts are frozen.
And that your health status is in jeopardy because your “tracer app” is telling Big Brother that you’re infected…and a threat to society.
So, welcome to the Quarantine Camps of the Future.
Share this with a friend…especially if they think quarantine camps are limited to China.
They’ll thank YOU later.
And learn how to avoid Big Brother’s spy network in our July issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
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We simply use finance to give you hope.
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