March 2025
March 6, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Prosperity Has A Purpose

If you have ever wondered whether prosperity has a purpose then try to name someone who has contributed a lot to mankind without prospering.

Can’t think of anyone?

That’s because the whole idea behind prosperity is that it is for the benefit of others…and not just your personal gain.

And that flies in the face of the Gordon Gekko “Greed is Good” mantra associated with success on Wall Street.

Another way of describing it is to say that Affluence is for Influence.


Be honest here.

If you had more affluence, do you think you could have more influence?

Hashtag #  Duuuuuhhhh!

Now, before you accuse me of preaching about the benefits of wealth and health, let me remind you that there aren’t scriptures saying you should live in poverty and sickness.

And the reality is that Health is the first Wealth.

Because without good health, your wealth loses it’s significance.

The Purpose of Prosperity

Unlike the world of Wall Street – where finance revolves around fear and greed – the purpose of prosperity is neither fearful or greedy.

But…and this is a very Big Butt…

Most investors are easily seduced by the fear and greed factor associated with investing.

As a result, the majority lose sight of true prosperity and are often taken to the woodshed by the 1%.

And let us remind you that the 1% NEED the 99% to be wrong so they can make fortunes at your expense.

And that’s precisely why we publish a monthly newsletter where we use our 114+ combined years of experience on Wall Street to help you navigate the mine fields set by the Boyz in the “Club”.

In our newsletter our goal is to help you prosper AND thrive…especially in Turbulent Times like we are now experiencing.

Because unless your prosperity has a purpose you will fall victim to the sharks…especially when there is blood in the water during market meltdowns.

We originally named our newsletter “Simplifying Wall Street…In Plain English” because our articles are simple and easy to understand.

And that’s because we wanted to be a contrast to the multitude of financial publications written by 24-year-old MBAs writing in a language that’s hard for the average investor to understand.


As we are wont to say:  Don’t be their victim.

Instead, learn how to make your prosperity have a purpose and not worry about 1% trying to stick it to you.

So, be sure to read our August issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).

Share this with a friend…especially if they think that money is the root of all evil.

Because the actual scripture reads:

“For the Love of money is the root of all evil…”

~ 1 Timothy 6:10 ~

We’re Not Just About Finance.

But we use our expertise in finance to give you hope


Invest with confidence.
James Vincent
The Reverend of Finance
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