We try to keep our emails PG rated or better. But every so often we get a profanity laced email response by someone who was triggered by what we wrote.
Such was the case with our Monday email The Death of DEI and WOKE (HERE).
And without trying to be judgmental here, the woman (first name is Diane) who wrote to us appears to be suffering from either Stage 4 of TDS or had her LGB (minus the T) temperament triggered to the point where she probably became violent.
Ironically (or NOT) such is the nature of those of that LGB (minus the T) persuasion. And that is a fact taken from statistics from their own website.
Anyone who writes (on a regular basis) for more than just texting or communicating on social media knows that when you put your thoughts down in writing it creates a dynamic that reveals a multitude of personality traits.
And that is the good and bad news.
Most of us have read texts or social media commentaries that have made us pause and think “What the heck is that person thinking or trying to say?”
Or in today’s vernacular WTF?
Ironically (or NOT) writing on social media has done more damage to communication skills than just about anything else we can think of.
And this is especially true for anyone under the age of 40.
Because most people think that having an adequate vocabulary means they can tell the difference between their, there, and they’re.
It’s almost like social media has invaded people’s brains to the point where they don’t even recognize how stupid they have become.
As a result, Boomers may be the last generation to remember what life was like before social media.
Profanity Laced
Along with having a limited vocabulary and excessive use of unacceptable language comes the loss of good manners.
And, unfortunately, too many people today do not understand the importance of good manners.
The Bible makes this perfectly clear:
Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
~ 1 Corinthians 15:33 ~
So, what does this have to do with the markets?
Not a lot.
But since we are “Not Just About Finance” we took “Diane’s” profanity laced response to us as opportunity to illustrate the recklessness that speaks before thinking.
Her email consisted of four words:
“F*ck you racist C*nt”
Concise, vulgar, and to the point…combined with excessive rage.
And while we welcome all feedback from our posts, we responded to her with good manners:
Dear Diane,
Thank you for your comment.
And BTW neither DEI nor WOKE is a race.
There are only four races White, Black, Red, and Yellow.
But don’t feel bad.
Most people (like you) are ignorant to that fact.
Kind regards,
Share this with a friend…especially if they understand the importance of good manners. They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them they can learn how Wall Street operates “Behind the Curtain” (HERE).
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But we use finance to give you hope.
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