In case you missed it – and/or were distracted/sickened over the fanfare of treating a comedian like a hero adding $45 Billion to his coffers – your privacy protections have been completely compromised.
On Tuesday night, the Democrats data dump of Trump’s tax returns has assured – that from this point on – you have no privacy.
And this applies to ALL taxpayers.
Wait! What?
In its simplest terms this is another ‘new political weapon’ under the guise of mostly Trump haters acting as final arbiters of what is acceptable behavior by our elected leaders.
Give me a freaking break, here.
Democrats on the House and Ways Committee have voted to release six years of President Trump’s tax returns, in what Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), the top Republican on the Committee said:
“This meeting actually sets a terrible precedent that unleashes a dangerous new political weapon that reaches far beyond the former president.”
The Senate Finance Committee will have nearly unlimited power to target or make public the tax returns of private citizens—and not just private citizens: political enemies, business and labor leaders or even the returns of Supreme Court justices themselves.”
Up until now this has never been done…especially to a former President.
And you can bank on it opening up Pandora’s box for any IRS agent to audit you for any reason.
As a result, you’ll be put in the spotlight while your privacy has been stripped away.
Privacy Protections Compromised
Sad to say this is yet another desperate attempt of the Democrats to keep Trump from running for president in 2024.
However, “We the People” will be the biggest victims of having our privacy protections compromised.
Like practically anything the Democrats have crafted against Trump, this is looking like another giant nothingburger.
And it won’t stick to Trump.
But the precedent has been set.
And it will enhance the government’s role in their relentless and desperate pursuit of taxes.
The really sad part is that while people are struggling to buy groceries, these same corrupt politicians are handing out Billions to Ukraine for a proxy war with Russia.
Needless to say, that this won’t end well for the average citizen.
And it adds gasoline to the inferno of the coming Political Chaos in 2023.
So, the $64 Billion question remains: What can you do about it?
Find out in our upcoming January edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
And be sure to take advantage of our Christmas Bonus special that gives you a 50% discount.
Enter the code: Save 50 at the checkout.
Share this with a friend…even if they don’t care about Trump’s tax returns.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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