March 2025
March 10, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Presstitutes in The Next Four Years

Based on their track record, we are confident that for the next four years the Presstitutes will do their best to discredit anything and everything Trump does.


It is what Presstitutes do.

And in the process of their self-destruction, they won’t realize how stupid they really are.


Cases in point:


  • Rachel MadCow’s ratings are horrible (she will probably be off the air soon)
  • MSNBC is close to death
  • CNN has lost most of its viewers




And every day it becomes more obvious how desperate these people are becoming.

Ironically (or NOT) they probably won’t change their tunes until some of them either go to jail or – like history has shown – how some journalists were hung from lamp poles.

Go ahead and Google it.


Hopefully they will be treated more civilly.


The Next Four Years



We are not trying to be prophetic about the next four years.


But, for the record, we put together some illustrations of what you can expect to see/hear from the non-repentant Presstitutes in response to anything Trump does:


Trump:  “Bicycling is good for you, that’s for sure.”


CNN:  “Trump, who is not an exercise physiologist, encourages an activity that can actually result in injury.”


Washington Post:  “Too many communities of color that cannot afford bicycles, Trump’s claim smacks of racism.”


The Nation:  “Many bicycles come from sweat shops in China, but Trump doesn’t care.”


NY Times:  “For this homeless person, Trump reignites the trauma from a violent bicycle theft.”


Snopes:  “While bicycling can be good for you, Trump’s categorical statement that it is good for you is pure overreach.  False.”


HuffPost:  “Trump implies all cycles have only two wheels in a bigoted dog whistle to the far right.”


The View:  “I mean, some people shouldn’t ride bicycles!  Doesn’t he know that?  Who does he think he is?


MSNBC:  Trump Ignores Biden’s contribution to national health since, well, dancing to the record player.”




Ironically (or NOT) there are still people out there who believe the demented/twisted stories the Presstitutes shove in your face 24/7.


As a result, they continue to misunderstand the true meaning of misinformation.

And end up living in fear instead of realizing we are now truly on the path to Make America Great Again.





Don’t be one of those sheeple.


Instead, learn how to Thrive in 2025 (HERE).


Share this with a friend…especially if they have awakened to the many lies of the Presstitutes.  They’ll thank YOU later.





And tell them:


We’re Not Just About Finance

But we use finance to give you hope.

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