The increasing hysteria over the Kung Flu is reaching a feverish point (pun intended) of near “biblical proportions.”
If you’re buying into this crap you’ve effectively submitted your freedom to a well-coordinated sinister authority designed to control how you think.
Should I be more blunt here?
Right now, the whole world is being victimized by Wall Street’s famous “Look Here, Don’t Look There” tactic.
If that’s you, then STOP IT!
Allow me to Holy Roll you for a minute.
Psalms 91: 1-3 reads:
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
Don’t you love how the King James Version uses cool words like Noisome and Pestilence?
Open your dictionary and see that Noisome = offensive or disgusting, as an odor. While Pestilence = a deadly or virulent epidemic disease.
The point here is the “Offensive, disgusting, deadly, virulent epidemic disease” is a result of the dangerous lies being shoved down your collective throats by The Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes.
Can I be blunter here?
I’m thoroughly disgusted by seeing so many people falling apart like a two-dollar suitcase over the fear being induced by a sinister bought-and-paid-for-media.
Ironically (or NOT) this is just their opening act.
As the sheeple fall for these tactics and submit to the predetermined conclusions TPTB want you to believe, you won’t see what they’re covering up about the real cause of deaths around the world being blamed on the “Kung Flu.”
I’m referring to how the Coronavirus origins in Wuhan, China are linked to the rollout of 5G.
You read that right…the rollout of 5G in Wuhan, China.
Yesterday – in our March Newsletter – we published evidence of how the Coronavirus-like-symptoms are a result of 5G exposure.
Now, more than ever, you need to learn what goes on behind the veil and how to protect your future from what’s coming in these Turbulent Times.
It’s easy to do and it cost less than a case of toilet paper…and it’s the best $15 you’ll ever invest.
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One for the Holy Rollin’ Road:
More from Psalms 91:10
“There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling”
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