Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Praying for a Recession to Defeat Trump


Until Trump came to power, the press always talked up the economy.


The belief has been if you tell the people there will be a recession, the people will contract their spending and create one.

Kinda like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

One of the largest Media-Miscreants in the world – The Washington Post – is indeed out to get Trump and are using their position to desperately try to support the bureaucracy Democrats.

They’re flat-out talking up a recession in the USA into the 2020 election when NEVER IN HISTORY has any major newspaper preached the economy will crumble just to influence a presidential election.

Jeff Bezos (owner of the post) is proving that the slogan “Democracy Dies in Darkness” is becoming a reality.


It’s truly amazing when you compare how the same newspaper backed Obama in 2009 by saying how he would save the day.

Once again this proves how the Whores-of-Babylon media presstitutes are demonstrating they no longer report the news.

They’re simply creating it because every other effort to defeat Trump has failed.

They don’t just hate Trump…they hate you.

Fortunately, and for the time being, Trump is in their way.

But they’ll stop at nothing to get their way.

This is another reason why we publish emails every day.

We want you to see how the world operates “behind the curtain.” 

It’s why we remind you that We’re Not Just About Finance.

Wall Street owns the press and most of the country’s politicians…it’s been that way for a long time.

Until you figure that out, you’ll fall victim to their corruption.

Learn how to profit using their own tactics against them.

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