In the eyes of most Liberal/Leftist groups, Populism is a 4-letter word. says:
[ pop-yuh-liz-uhm ]
- any of various, often antiestablishment or anti-intellectual political movements or philosophies that offer unorthodox solutions or policies and appeal to the common person rather than according with traditional party or partisan ideologies.
In 2016 Donald Trump won the presidency because he appealed to populism over the worn-out Democrat or Republican policies.
He was representative of the common person, the working class, the underdog, etc.
As a result, he was hated by the establishment for it.
And although he was ousted in 2020 in an election that has proven to be rigged (See Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules documentary HERE) Populism is more widely hated around the world than ever before.
Populism…a 4 Letter Word
In fact, in most political circles Populism is equal to a 4 letter word.
And most people don’t remember how John Kerry at Davos was “warning of the dangers of economic populism.”
He also declared that people like Trump, should not listen to the people.
Seriously, arrogant bastards like Kerry don’t give a whit about the average person as evidenced by his quote:
“It’s really dangerous to play to the lowest common denominator of American, of global political life.”
Kerry and his ilk believe we are – and always be – The Great Unwashed Masses.
And that we’re too stupid to think for ourselves.
Sad to say this is the sentiment in the White House today.
Hillary Clinton recently declared that if Trump wins in 2024, “Democracy as we know it will come to an end.”
Adam Schiff claims that in the 2022 midterms, the Republican Party is out to turn America into an autocracy.
An Autocracy is a government by a single person having unlimited power; despotism.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
But this is precisely what the Democrats are doing with O’Biden.
And our Resident Brandon is already pushing for COVID vaccines in 2022 for children under 5-years-old.
So, is it any wonder why these people are threatened by Populism?
Predictions…a 4-letter word
The left knows they are in serious trouble.
And their dire predictions about democracy are in preparation for them declaring that the elections will be rigged by Trump’s minions.
In other words, accuse your opponents of what you’re doing.
Populism has become a 4-letter word in the Liberal world.
But it may our only hope to turn things around.
Learn how to make populism work for you (HERE).
And how to prepare for the expected backlash from the 2022 mid-term elections (HERE).
Share this with a friend…even if they don’t like Trump.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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