On a somewhat regular basis, we get questions about our use of mixing politics and finance.
Mike, a newsletter subscriber from Parkland, Florida asked: “Mr. Vincent, your posts seem to be more political than financial. Why?”
Good observation, Mike.
And if you’ve noticed, most of our posts include the phrase “We’re Not Just About Finance.”
A lot has to do with the fact that Wall Street has been bed with DC for over 100 years via the Federal Reserve (The FED).
Ironically (or NOT) most people still think the FED is a government agency.
It’s not.
It’s a corporation created by the Banksters in 1913 to help create/manage money during difficult times.
(See: Annoying Acronyms and Wall Street Truisms HERE).
And it’s morphed into a behemoth that allows/encourages government to create TRILLIONS of digital dollars.
You should be asking how much of that money goes to Wall Street/Politicians as opposed to what portion goes to help the average citizen.
And exactly how much actually went to fighting their man-made CoronaFraud pandemic.
Are Politics and Finance Right or Wrong?
And now some of the real dirt is coming out about the CoronaFraud and how Dr. Frauduci – along with his puppet master Bill Gates – is culpable in crimes against humanity.
Last April we pointed out that these boyz were involved in the Biggest Mass Manipulation of All Time* (HERE).
(*Bill Gates pledged $100 Million for Dr. Fauci to play with through The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease – a total conflict of interest. Gate’s Foundation also gave Fauci’s Foundation an additional $13.5 Million.
So, Mike, when you look beyond the obvious, you’ll see why we tend to pick on politics as a way to bring to your attention as to how easily corruption is overlooked and used by the Banksters.
If you practice one of the more famous Wall Street sayings, “FOLLOW THE MONEY” everything becomes more obvious.
We’re not saying that combining politics and finance is right or wrong.
We’re simply pointing out how things operate – and have operated – behind the curtain.
Why do we do this?
It’s simple. So, you can hopefully look at the investment world with a different set of eyes than the 99% who always seem to be wrong.
Learn how to improve your investment skills by subscribing to our monthly “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
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And share this with a friend. They’ll thank YOU later.
Remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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