Today is the 49th anniversary of a landmark decision that has (so far) resulted in the deaths of over 63 million dead Americans.
The landmark decision?
Roe vs Wade.
And the 63 million dead number doesn’t even take into consideration the additional multiple millions of abortions performed outside of the USA since 1973.
And, YES we’re aware how this topic cranks up the emotion overload meter from the feminist “My Body, My Choice” crowd.
But that doesn’t stop us from writing about it.
As you probably know by now, we like to stir up the liberal/leftist, alleged champion of human rights crowd.
Especially since the cries of the My Body, My Choice hypocrites went silent in the last 2 years over the Vaxx mandates.
Oh! And let’s not forget the #MeToo hypocrites.
Over 63 Million Dead
By any standard, 63 Million dead would be considered genocide…especially since the unborn had no way to defend themselves.
We know this is a controversial subject but isn’t it ironic that for almost 50 years the thought of overturning Roe v Wade seemed untouchable?
Cue up: The Texas Heartbeat Act…enacted May 19, 2021 * and commenced September 1, 2021.
(* 8 other states have since passed the same bill)
Ironically (or NOT) US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, pledged to protect abortion clinics in Texas as soon as the law commenced.
This shouldn’t surprise anyone.
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…
Overturning Roe v Wade is gaining traction.
And Planned Parenthood * (who is responsible for the vast majority of abortions in the US) realizes that their survival is in jeopardy.
The Gates Family Connection
(* Side note: Bill Gates Sr. was a Eugenics advocate and a founding Board member of Planned Parenthood along with Margaret Sanger. Read: Bill Gates, His Father and Eugenics (HERE).
So, maybe Bill Gates Jr. is following in his daddy’s footsteps of population control via sterilization/vaccines.
Or maybe this is all a coincidence.
Or Maybe JUST MAYBE Roe v Wade will fall before it makes the half-century mark.
It’s truly amazing it has lasted this long.
Especially when there’s language written in it that says it could be overturned if science could prove there was a life form in the womb.
And science has validated that a heartbeat is proof of life.
It’s hard to wrap your brain around the thought of “what if” those unborn kids had grown up and contributed great things for the world.
We’ll never know.
But at least now we have a legitimate chance of reversing these atrocities…even if it’s only a heartbeat.
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