Last weekend our Sunday Funnies got censored again and taken down from social media sites.
And when that happens it is a sure sign that we stepped on someone’s toes.
As you know, we don’t have a problem with offending someone…and neither should you.
It’s called Freedom of Speech.
As a result, a “Fact Checker” exercised their authority opinion to keep our Freedom of Speech in check.
Ironically (or NOT) even Farcebook has admitted that their “fact checkers” often are basing their censorship on their opinion.
And it’s becoming more obvious how social media/Big Tech is questionable as a reliant source of information.
That’s not to say that all social media platforms are corrupt or evil.
In fact, seems to be one of the better ones.
But let us remind you how the vast majority of the Big Tech/Media Boyz are in bed with Wall Street AND DC.
Maybe whoever is censoring us knows we’re hitting too close to home on certain issues…political, financial, moral, etc.
Or Maybe it’s a random fact checker – suffering from having too many soy lattes – who’s having a bad day and is stressing over their strained relationship with their/his/him/her/they/them (insert preferred pronoun) life partner.
Or Maybe JUST MAYBE our Funnies – memes, cartoons, etc. – goes against the current bloodthirsty narrative about war in Ukraine to the point where the Boyz don’t want you to think about the truth behind their motivation to profit from war.
Want proof?
Read one of America’s most decorated soldiers; Marine General Smedley Butler’s book “War is a Racket.”
Don’t Censor Our Sunday Funnies
But let’s get back to our Sunday Funnies being censored.
First, thanks for your continued support, comments and ideas/memes/cartoons that many of you send in for our Funnies.
And rest assured we’re looking into different ways to keep publishing them without having to worry about whether you receive them.
We want you to receive them.
And for you to share them with your friends.
However, it seems that when we poke fun at all the War headline grabbers – and ignore the Covid narrative – we’ve become a target.
Get ready because we’ll put this to a test in this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies.
We’re going to double down on the memes focused on Ukraine/War/Putin/Biden and a few other headline grabbers.
And hopefully it won’t be taken down before you read them.
As usual, we have most of our NSFW material in our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they like our Sunday Funnies.
They’ll thank YOU later.
We’re Not Just About Finance.
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