In spite of what you hear from most of the lame presstitutes out there, our US dollar is NOT dead. ...
Wall street CEO’s claiming they’re “doing God’s work” used to infuriate me. Seriously, you have to be a sociopath to...
Wall street CEO’s claiming they’re “doing God’s work” used to infuriate me. Seriously, you have to be a sociopath to...
Every so often we see Wall Street “Club” members served up a big fat slice of karma. And they’re moments...
Today, I’m going to give you the secret to consistently making money in the stock market. Are you ready? Here...
“…There is nothing new under the sun.” ~Ecclesiastes 1:9~ The drama currently unfolding between the DOJ (Department of “Just-Us”/FBI, CIA,...
What’s the difference between wealth and money? Not sure? In Plain English, Wealth is something tangible (real estate, hard assets,...
Civil unrest in America is starting to move like the Molten Lava from the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii. It’s truly...
Have you ever seen a kid playing the arcade game Whack-a-Mole? It features an oversized club (with a sponge end)...
When you hear discussions about how Trump is (again) starting WWIII by voiding the “Iran Nuclear Deal,” ask yourself these...