Growing up you probably heard the phrase, Money is the root of all evil. And, if so, it programmed you...
For the most part, Social Media is NOT Journalism. However, we all know people who Tweet, post, gossip, share and...
Listening to politicians grandstanding about something, is enough to make you want to laugh out loud. Example: A recent New...
NEWS FLASH! We’re not having a war with Korea. (The real crisis is still in the Middle East). Some people...
When, throughout history, can you ever remember a time when the “elite few” didn’t take advantage of the many? So,...
Bureaucracy protects the people in charge from accountability. It’s true. Proof: Try to dispute a problem caused by stupid laws or unfair...
Over the weekend the Italian bond market blew up and went NO BID! In Plain English that means nobody wants...
Way back in 1989 the book Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco was released. Remember that one?...
As usual, politicians NEVER admit they’re wrong. Instead, they point the blame on anything other than their policies or decisions...
Earlier this year we wrote about Trumps Wrecking Ball prophecy against political correctness (HERE) and (HERE). Since then, many politically...