“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” ~Socrates~ Isn’t it amazing how a 2,400-year-old...
Regardless of the outcome of today’s mid-term elections, the Whores-of-Babylon-Media (WOBM) will claim it to be a “Crisis for America.”...
Liquidity, Liquidity, Liquidity! So, what’s that supposed to mean? Simply stated, liquidity (or a lack thereof) is what keeps the...
When you hear a judge say hes Shocked To Find Obama State Dept Lied To Protect Hillary From Email Server...
Fracking, in the oil industry, is known as horizontal drilling. And for nearly two decades, the “frackers” have raised $100’s...
Last year at this time, bitcoin was hovering in the $6,000-dollar range. It surged over six-fold (from the $800-900 range)...
When you realize how corrupt our media and political system have become, you sometimes doubt if anyone cares. Last week...
Here’s some spooky news for Halloween. For those of you unfamiliar with the PPT, it stands for the Plunge Protection...
Angela Merkel is on her way out. She announced she is stepping down as Chancellor of her party and won’t...
Growing up as a small-town boy from Ohio, I enjoyed seeing clowns when the circus came to town. They provided...