Have you ever wondered what might happen if Trump decides not to run for president in 2020? Chaos and/or Euphoria...
Did you notice that the subject line of this email started with “WHEN?” It’s not a matter of “if” our...
At first glance on Friday we heard that NFL Patriot’s owner, Robert Kraft was busted for soliciting a prostitute in...
Are you sick of hearing about the Jussie Smollett hoax yet? You should be. The stench from this whole mess...
In the past youve read how we make fun of crazy marketing headlines such as SECRET CODES FROM THE BIBLE...
There isnt a day that goes by without some headline (often of a not so newsworthy story) of someone accusing...
Policies and laws created by our Congress Critters have gotten out of hand. It’s bad enough that most of the...
Up until recently I’d never heard the name Jussie Smollett. Nor have I heard much about a TV show called...
The other day I had an experience that reminded me of the expression “Perception is Reality.” It happened as I...
Have you noticed how many politicians, high profiled CEOs (Cough! Amazons Bezos, Cough!) celebrities, athletes, etc. seem to brush off,...