This subject line should read “Confessions of an excellent (naive) Financial Copywriter.” This is a true story. The names have...
Have you noticed the deafening silence from Washington over the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein? Why so quiet, home-boys? The Whores-of-Babylon...
As we’ve been saying since late 2018… “Trump will win the next election by a landslide.” Today, more than ever,...
Eventually you get sick and tired of hearing snowflakes whine about how they’re offended by any and everything under the...
Once again we bring you the Sunday Funnies illustrating what we feel are some of the High and Low points...
What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word “Tesla?” A beautiful car? An exploding battery? An...
The bold and brash female freshman Congress Critters are in the news once again. Alexandria Cowfart-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar...
Last year, Dick’s Sporting Goods store announced they will stop selling guns in their retail stores. They claim their policy...
There’s no doubt that tree huggers will hate hearing that crop shortages this year won’t be from Global Warming. Problems...
This is a topic that many find difficult to digest. A lot of it has to do with our conditioning...