I bet you first thought the headline was about sneezing and the CoronaGate, didn’t you? Wait! What? Did you...
In the long list of Wall Street truisms and Annoying Acronyms you’ll find “Buy the Sizzle, Sell the Steak.”...
…it got me thinking about how the unprecedented worldwide panic hysteria – over a coronavirus – seems more to me...
The following is a reprint of an email we sent on June 13, 2019 titled Chaos Begins in 2020....
It can’t happen here…can it? How could TPTB (The Powers That Be) declare Martial Law over a virus? In...
We’re not bragging here… Check that…Yes, we are. But last week wrote how the WHO profits from the Kung...
Despite the constant bickering among politicians, one thing they all agree on is their love for a crisis. Why?...
“If you throw a cat off a high-rise building, when it hit’s the ground it will bounce. But it’s...
During Turbulent Times, the boyz in the “Club” put into effect their operation “Poop and Scoop.” In more graphic...
“And the three men I admire the most, The Father, Son and Holy Ghost. They caught the last train...