Has this ever happened to you? While thinking about a current event, you come to a conclusion that differs...
The real Pandemic in today’s world has nothing to do with a virus. Nope! The real problem that’s accelerating...
For some reason beyond my comprehension, my use of the ‘F’ Word stirs up the animal instincts in a...
Let’s start with a question. Who is better at making decisions for your life? You, or some stranger that...
If you try to look at any logical reason why the whole world has been shut down – over...
It was only a matter of time before the Socialists in Europe started rumbling about why they shouldn’t travel...
For all you Gold bugs out there, I have good news and bad news. Most people say “Give me...
At Financial$Matter, we often refer to the boyz in the “Club” as a small powerful group of banksters that...
It’s truly amazing that we now have Joe Biden lashing out at Trump over his handling of the CoronaHoax,...
As time goes on, the idea of a CoronaVirus pandemic becomes more and more fraudulent. Ironically (or NOT) the...