Some things never change. I’m referring to Hollyweird actors thinking the whole world actually cares about their opinion. What...
It wasn’t even a month ago when we wrote why we expect the Banksters Death Count from 2008 to...
Up until recently, the term “Off-Gassing” was a way to make fun of a friend who was unrepentant about...
It was only a matter of time before they showed up. One of the things that Makes America Great...
It’s truly a shame how so many great restaurants have been destroyed lately by the Billionaire boyz club New...
Everyone wants to be a market timer. The thought of buying stocks cheap, see them rise to stratospheric heights...
Walmart’s recent announcement – jumping on the “Just Wear the Mask” bandwagon – has Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos giggling...
A few years ago, we featured an article in our newsletter “How Two Octogenarians Called the Market Top and...
FOMO is an acronym used by traders to describe a mindset of the herd mentality. (It’s one of many...
This month's Hotter Than July edition of "...In Plain English" is up and available for your reading pleasure. Here's...