Wisconsin Governor, Tony Evers, is begging Trump to NOT visit Kenosha. Why? It’s probably the best indication of how...
Once in a while we find discussions/threads where the people arguing over a certain issue give great clarity to...
Not only has the CoronaFraud destroyed the livelihood of millions of people – not including the 40-50 million people...
As Kenosha, Wisconsin burned while CNN labeled it “Mostly Peaceful” riots, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse – whom left-wing politicians have...
“War is Not Meant to Be Won…it is meant to be continuous." -George Orwell- War is – and always...
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: ~Proverbs 23:7~ One of the best ways to...
Racism is probably the most misunderstood and abused word in the English language today. And thanks to a totally...
(The following is a partial re-print from an email on Feb. 25, 2020). You probably didn’t notice that the...
“Like an improvident spendthrift whose pressing occasions will not allow him to wait for the regular payment of his...
Don’t laugh, but I recently read where a prominent European official claim that they (Europe) has “Well intentioned central...